
刊  名: 中医科学杂志(英文) 省市: 北京 CN号: 10-1218/R
通讯地址: 北京中医药大学良乡校区西院综合楼452室 ISSN号: 2095-7548
电话号码: 010-53911862 传真:
电子邮箱: bucmjtcms@vip.163.com
网  址: bucmjtcms@vip.163.com
 编委会主任:  主编或副主编:徐安龙Fan Tai-ping, 刘建平,Alan Bensoussan, Yung-Chi Cheng,Thomas Efferth, Eric Gershwin,果德安,乔延江,王伟, Chun-Su Yuan  编辑部负责人:倪胜楼
姓名 性别 职称 出生日期
倪胜楼 副编审
马师雷 编辑
期刊简介: 《中医科学杂志(英文)》是中医药领域的同行评审杂志,创刊于2014年7月(季刊),由教育部主管,北京中医药大学和清华大学出版社联合主办,国际出版集团Elsevier负责在线出版和开放获取。本刊致力于搭建最具权威性的英文平台,向国际输出最前沿的中医药研究成果。杂志主要收录原创研究类文章,内容覆盖中医、中药、针灸领域,包括各种基础和临床研究,以及综述、政策新闻和病例报告。杂志目前已被中国知网(CNKI),维普(VIP),万方(Wanfang),DOAJ,Embase,GoogleScholar,Scopus等国内外数据库收录。近年来,获得“中国最美期刊”“中国高校优秀科技期刊”等荣誉称号。 Journal of Traditional Chinese Medical Sciences (JTCMS) is an international, peer-reviewed publication with advanced scientific research in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM). Founded in July 2014 and published quarterly, the journal is sponsored by Beijing University ofChinese Medicine and Tsinghua University Press, and supervised by the Ministry of Education of China. The Elsevier B.V. is responsible for ontine publication and open access. JTCMS tries to serve as an authoritative platform to present state-of-the-art research results. We welcome submissions of original papers on experimental and clinical studies on TCM, herbs and acupuncture that apply modern scientific research methods. The journal also publishes case reports, reviews, and articles on TCM theory and policy. In recent years, JTCMS has been incfuded in the China National Knowledge infrastructure (CNK1), Chinese Scientific Journal Database (VIP), Wanfang Data, DOAl, Embase, Google scholar, and Scopus. In addition, the journal has been titled as "The Beauty ofPeriodicals in China" and"Excellent Science & Technology Journals in Chinese Universities,"

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